Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Ameliorate Abrahamic Religions

Directions: Students should grammatically correct the following sentence(s), in red.

the religions of islam christianity and judaism are all 
considered to be abrahamic religions do to their connection to the hebrew leader abraham

The religions of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are all considered to be "Abrahamic" religions due to their connection to the Hebrew leader Abraham.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Ameliorate the Ten Commandments

Directions: Students should grammatically correct the following sentence(s), in red. There are missing capitals, a missing colon ( : ), and a missing period.

the ten commandments are important in two religions christianity and judaism both consider them instructions from god

Monday, February 22, 2016

Ameliorate the Gupta Empire!

Directions: Students should grammatically correct the following sentence(s), in red. There are missing capitals, a missing period, a misspelled word, missing quotation marks (" "), two missing periods, and a missing comma.

the gupta empire begin a so-called golden age in india many advances were made in science and hinduism became the main religion in india again


The Gupta Empire began a so-called "golden age" in India. Many advances were made in science, and Hinduism became the main religion in India again.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Ameliorate Wilson's NEW FREEDOM

Directions: students should grammatically correct the following sentence(s).  There is a missing apostrophe ('), a number that should be written out, a missing period, missing capitals, and two missing commas.

Woodrow Wilson overall plan to enact Progressive reforms were called the new freedom 3 parts of it included the Underwood Tariff the Clayton Anti-Trust Act and creation of the Federal Reserve system.

Suggested Answer: 
Woodrow Wilson's overall plan to enact Progressive reforms was called the New Freedom. Three parts of it included the Underwood Tariff , the Clayton Anti-Trust Act, and creation of the Federal Reserve system.

Ameliorate The Square Deal

Students should grammatically correct the sentence below, in red. There are two missing commas, one use of the COLON ( : ), and one missing apostrophe.

the square deal was president theodore Roosevelts domestic program and it was formed upon 3 basic ideas conservation of natural resources control of corporations and consumer protection.


The Square Deal was President Theodore Roosevelt's domestic program, and it was formed upon three basic ideas: conservation of natural resources, control of corporations, and consumer protection.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Ameliorate Jacob Riis

Directions: grammatically correct the sentence(s) below, in red. There are two missing periods, a missing capital, and one missing comma.

Jacob Riis wanted to literally show the the world the dangers of the immigrant neighborhoods that he saw every day so Riis taught himself photography and began taking a camera with him at night

Video (1:21:50 - 1:31:34)

Jacob Riis wanted to literally show the the world the dangers of the immigrant neighborhoods that he saw every day. So, Riis taught himself photography and began taking a camera with him at night.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Ameliorate Pericles!

Directions: Students should correct the grammatically incorrect sentence(s) below in red.

greek leader Pericles said Our government does not copy our neighbor's but is an example to them it is true that we are called a democracy for the administration is in the hands of the many and not of the few

Ameliorate Lord Gordon-Gordon!

Directions: Students should grammatically correct the sentence(s) below, in red. There are two missing periods, two missing commas, a misspelled word, and missing capitals.

lorde gordon-gordon maniged to swindle $1 million from jay gould a railroad tycoon gould and his crew tried to kidnap him in canada but were arrested almost starting a war 

Long story short: DON'T COME AT THE KING AND EXPECT TO WIN (2:00, just the intro)